好友與其高中同學相約同遊倫敦,我則來到開設在文華東方酒店中的Dinner by Heston Blumenthal享受一個人的午餐時光。
Meat Fruit
Spiced red wine, chicken liver parfait & grilled bread
c. 13th-15th century
盛於木盤右側的李子實是以雞肝醬與摻有丁香與肉桂等香料的red wine jelly製作而成,模樣逼真討喜,為聖誕節限定版本。此道料理中的"Meat Fruit"平時以柑橘之外型呈現,創作靈感源自著錄在中世紀英國菜譜中的"黃金蘋果"(Pome Dorres)。
雞肝醬無一絲腥氣,嚐起來豐厚柔潤卻不油膩,與red wine jelly的甜相得益彰。麵包酥香可口,與"Meat Fruit"搭配食用,兩者在舌尖交織,美味無比。
Powdered Duck Breast
Braised & grilled red cabbage, spiced umbles & pickled cherries
1850 The Modern Cook by Charles Francatelli
Triple cooked chips
Tipsy Cake
Spit roast pineapple
1810 The English cookery book by J.H. Walsh
Tipsy cake質地輕盈蓬鬆,帶著淡淡的酒香;鳳梨被烤至焦糖化,酸甜多汁。
Whole Rose Buds (Iran)
Light, graceful, notes of sweet-edged rose
Heston Blumenthal在十六歲時造訪了座落在普羅旺斯的L'Oustau de Baumanière,深受啟發,從此迷戀上了美食。除了"Dinner by Heston Blumenthal"外,廚師在伯克郡另有一間米其林三星食肆"The Fat Duck",亦在我的口袋名單之中。該餐廳使用"multi-sensory cooking"的方式創作料理,原因是"Places like the Baumanière had a view and a history and architecture that took its diners to a world of beauty and indulgence. The Fat Duck didn’t have any of that, so it had to capture the diners’ imagination in a different way – taking them to the mysteries of flavour perception and multi sensory delight."。Blumenthal在傳統中注入創意,賦予源自於古菜譜的經典菜式活力,令人一試就愛上;所謂一見鐘情,大抵如是。
百貨公司內各處櫥窗及公共空間之聖誕裝飾今年由Dolce & Gabbana負責設計,具義式風情的人偶與復古的燈飾十分討喜可愛,周遭洶湧的人潮亦不減其魅力。
Dinner by Heston Blumenthal
營業時間: Lunch: Mon-Fri 12:00-14:00/Sat, Sun and public holidays 12:00-14:30 Dinner: Mon-Fri 18:00-22:15/Sat, Sun and public holidays 18:30-22:30
電話: +44(0)20 7201 3833
位置: Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, 66 Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7LA